Monday, February 12, 2007

Please HELP ME

Please help me by leaving comments!!!
my question was "How are Scrooge and Santiago redeemed??"
please help me!!!


Chan said...

Well, Dan

First, Scrooge was redeemed by being saved through the experiences with the ghosts. You know, he changed and so he was redeemed.

Santiago was redeemed by catching that Marlin, now people don't beleive he has bad luck, and respect him!!!


BIG DUDE said...


Chan said...


Irun BEEP!!!


Anonymous said...

What Chan said
Well said Chan
I was going to say the same thing

Except that The old man has proved him self to both the boy and the dead fish

Did you know eating fish raw is not bad for your stomach unless it is rotten

laura said...

How did he prove himself to the fish? He dishonered and ruined himself and the fish!