Monday, February 19, 2007

New Questions

My question is "do you think the need for money, and things always corrupt people?"
I think that need of money does not always corrupts people...
It is OK to want necessities, but wanting more and more and more is Greed(sin).
But even though you have lots of money does not mean that you are bad..
Like Bill Gates is not evil and greedy even though he has lots of money...
because he knows what is true humanity...
If you do not know what is true humanity, it is likely that you will become corrupted...


Chan said...

Dan, your posts are too breif...

But i will put my suggestion...

I think that money and things don't ALWAYS corrput people,...,

I think that the want for more and greed is what makes people crazy...

I wonder, is Kino right or wrong>>>???<<<


Anonymous said...

That was good Dan

But remember that Humans are never satisfied
We always want more
MAny many pople proubably 80%
Are corupt

But you can stay good as a rich person if you realy try

BIG DUDE said...

thanks 4 the comments$$$$????

Koko said...

Wanting money doesn't always corrupt, but if you have lots of money and power and you're human it usually does corrupt you! It's sad, but it's our nature. That's why America only lets a guy be president for like 8 years.
But like I said, it doesn't always corrupt. If the person has a strong relationship with God and strong will power+love of others then they might be ok.

Chan said...


Just kidding. Wanting money is okay, but using bad methods and gaining that is WRONG!!!


BIG DUDE said...

your right...
wrong ways are bad!!!